The device has a contemporary Undersink design with a clever Super Led touch screen. Super Hydrogen electrolysis technology, with two dual electrolysis chambers and a second-generation SH chip, improves electrolysis efficiency and produces extremely healthy water.
Strong acid ionized water (HClO) produced by a Fuji Smart brand alkaline ionized water purifier may kill germs up to 99.9% in one minute, according to Institute Pasteur testing and recognition. The strong alkaline ionized water from the Fuji Smart alkaline ionized water purifier kills bacteria 5 times faster and more effectively than other alkaline ionized water purifiers on the market (others cannot kill bacteria or provide weak disinfection for 5 minutes or more). See details of the Pasteur Institute’s testing and identification of strong acid ionized water (HClO) produced from a Fuji Smart brand alkaline ionized water purifier with antibacterial capacity here
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