Fuji Smart JP900


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Fuji Smart JP900 is the latest masterpiece Super Hydrogen – Super Smart alkaline ionized water purifier from Fuji Group Japan released in 2022.
Fuji Smart JP Series, entitled “Japanese health treasure,” is the world’s first product line that incorporate natural precious minerals from the 700,000-year-old Fuji volcanic mineral source.
The device has a contemporary Undersink design with a clever Super Led touch screen. Super Hydrogen electrolysis technology, with two dual electrolysis chambers and a second-generation SH chip, improves electrolysis efficiency and produces extremely healthy water.

The Fuji Smart JP900 ultra smart alkaline ionized water purifier is a valuable health gift from Japan.

Strong acid ionized water (HClO) produced by a Fuji Smart brand alkaline ionized water purifier may kill germs up to 99.9% in one minute, according to Institute Pasteur testing and recognition. The strong alkaline ionized water from the Fuji Smart alkaline ionized water purifier kills bacteria 5 times faster and more effectively than other alkaline ionized water purifiers on the market (others cannot kill bacteria or provide weak disinfection for 5 minutes or more). See details of the Pasteur Institute’s testing and identification of strong acid ionized water (HClO) produced from a Fuji Smart brand alkaline ionized water purifier with antibacterial capacity here


Additional information


Fuji Smart



Functional water type

9 type

pH range width

2.3 – 11.7

Dissolved hydrogen

1400ppb (No. 1 in the world)


10 years (*) (No. 1 in the world)

Launch year


Electrode plate

7 panels


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